Case Code : CLSDM046
Publication date : 2010
Subject : Sales and Distribution
Industry : Instrumentation
Length : 02 Pages
Price : Rs. 100
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Key words:
Instrumentation, Branch Launch Dilemma, Sales organization, Sales force strategy, Business-to-Business marketing, Industrial Marketing, Plotters, digitizers, sales strategy, redesign
* This caselet is intended for use only in class discussions.
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$16) per copy.
This case study details the dilemma faced by a Regional Manager as he is entrusted with the responsibility of launching a new branch of the company. He has been given the mandate to start with a clean slate and also to consider setting up a new sales organization if necessary.
Issues: |
Questions for Discussion:
1. If you had been in Sohum Reddy's place, what decision would you have taken? Give reasons to support your answer.
2. Should he opt for a completely new sales strategy? What should the new sales organization look like? What should the role of the salesperson be? What information sources should he tap to arrive at the decision?
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